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Beware of Witches bearing pie... and wine. |
So, what’s life like after tentacle sex, you ask? Let’s find
Ingrid did not come home last night. Total shocker!
Joanna and Freya go outside to look for her. The find her
unconscious in the yard. She’s fully clothed so this is actually a different
Dash is trying to use his powers. It doesn’t work. Killian’s
“ghost” appears and taunts him. The blackmailer calls and asks for money. Dash
blows up a table with his powers. Apparently, his powers only kick in when he’s
stressed or emotional. Goody.
Ingrid wakes up.
She’s really hungry. So maybe Tentacle Guy is a type of vampire?
Interesting. They head to the kitchen to feed Ingrid and there’s a great shot
of the room. There’s a very pretty vine sculpture on the ceiling, and it’s very
Joanna starts to go into backstory. Ugh, more backstory.
What is it with this show and backstory?
But Aunt Wendy comes to the rescue! She interrupts the
backstory (Yeay, Wendy!) and tells the girls that they have a brother and he’s
upstairs. Frederick appears looking pouty. Turns out Frederick and Freya are
Wendy and Joanna talk in the yard. Blah, blah, blah…
Frederick can’t be trusted… blah, blah, blah. Joanna says that Frederick was
brainwashed. Wendy is skeptical.
They go back to the kitchen where Frederick is bonding with
the girls. More backstory. I lose interest and start looking at the moldings. The
kitchen is a lot more detailed and I love it.
On to the Caribbean. Killian and Owl Girl chat. They kiss.
Aunt Wendy’s bedroom. We see Wendy take off an earring and
leave it on her dressing table.
Frederick steals the earring and… swallows it? Yuck. He
chants a spell and then regurgitates the earring, which is now glowing eerily.
This spell is actually grosser than Victor’s eels. Ugh. But it’s not in Latin
so that’s something.
Wendy walks through a yard in cat form. Oh, it’s Herb Guy’s
yard. Herb Guy pets her and goes back inside his house. She peeks in the window.
Ooops, looks like herb guy has a wife and a daughter. The cat’s face is brilliant.
Excellent CGI effect, they capture Madchen Amick’s expression exactly.
Ingrid goes to work. Her boss (whose name I can’t remember,
Dr. Something?) is already there. He was basically forced to hire her and
thinks she’s incompetent. Ingrid is not pleased. Um, didn’t she do a spell to
get this job? Why is she getting all huffy now?
Dash leaves his home with a bag full of cash. Killian’s
“ghost” taunts him about the blackmailer. Joanna and Wendy drop by with a pie
and a bottle of wine. They want to apologize for the botched wedding and
Penelope’s death. Um, seriously? They killed his mom and they think pie will
make it better? Oh, Dash thinks his mother committed suicide. Well, I’m sure
that’s going to make a difference.
Nope, it doesn’t. He doesn’t accept their apology or the pie.
I’m shocked. Shocked, I tell you.
Back to the Caribbean. Killian is playing cards with some
locals. One of them gets angry and asks for his money back. The situation
triggers Killian’s powers and the gambler suffers a weird seizure. Or maybe
it’s the owl magic? It’s not clear. Anyway, lots of screaming and writhing.
Killian looks confused.
Moving, on. We’re now at the East End Fourth of July picnic.
Freya brings the Chardonnay (of course she does!) and Frederick uses his magic
to open it up. The girls tell him that they don’t do magic in public and
Frederick looks confused. Freya asks Frederick if he can teach her a spell that
can find a person. Frederick says
he can.
Back at the library, Ingrid finds a book about her family. Wow, someone wrote a three-inch thick tome about the super-secret Nordic witch clan, how convenient. It even has pictures. She recognizes her mother and sister, but doesn’t recognize a figured labeled
as “The Gatherer.”
Killian tells Owl Girl about what happened. Owl Girl tells
him that he’s a brujo. She volunteers
to do a santería spell to help him
figure it out. Her grandma was a santera so
she totes knows all about magic.
Oh, this is going to end well.
Fredrick and Freya do the spell. They astrally project to
the hotel, which seems to be in the Dominican Republic. It’s called Hotel Corazón, which sounds like a good
name for a whorehouse. They are attacked by an owl and reappear back at the
house. Freya decides to go look for Killian.
I just realized that Killian’s sailboat drifted from Long
Island to the Dominican Republic while he was unconscious. And he survived. What?
Seriously, my parents sailed from Miami to San Juan once and
it took three weeks. Did Killian spend six weeks unconscious aboard a drifting
boat? For real? Also, doesn’t the North Atlantic Current go northwards? Shouldn’t he have ended up
in Greenland or Norway? I guess he could have hit the Gulf Stream, but that
would have sent him to Africa. I wonder if they’ll bother explaining this.
Maybe Owl Girl magicked him toward the Caribbean? That would make some sense.
At the bar, Freya looks for a plane ticket while Frederick
flirts with a bar patron. He makes origami swans, and now I’m wondering where
in Asgard he learned to make origami. Anyway, Frederick leaves to go back to
the picnic and Freya warns him not to do any magic. Stick to origami, Frederick.
At the library, Ingrid and her boss fight over the book.
Ingrid uses magic to keep the book.
Back at the picnic, Frederick gives Wendy her earring back
and leaves. Herb Guy shows up. He tells Wendy that he’s separated and
introduces her to his daughter. Wendy smiles.
Dash arrives at the picnic. He leaves the bag full of cash
under a bench.
Wendy brings Joanna a snow cone. She feels a weird wind. Joanna looks at her strangely.
Ingrid’s boss arrives at the picnic. A weird shadow grabs
him. Boy, I’m glad I didn’t bother to learn his name. Sounds like he’s a goner.
Back in the Dominican Republic, Killian and Owl Girl are
doing a Santeria spell, which is,
thankfully, not in Latin. Killian’s powers wake up. Owl Girl tells him that she
has powers too and that’s why are meant to be together. They kiss and sexytimes
Back at the bar, a drunk patron attacks Freya for no reason.
Frederick leaps to her defense, grabbing the guy around the neck. His eyes turn
red and he seems to be strangling the guy.
Ingrid goes to the picnic. Dash grabs her and asks her about
her brain abnormalities. They are interrupted by Ingrid’s boss who emerges from
the woods covered in blood and screaming incoherently. He tears his shirt to
reveal the weird symbol carved into his chest.
Herb Guy tells Wendy about the weird attacks. She asks about
the carvings and the rantings. Hmm, that should be the name of the East End
body piercing shop, Carvings and Rantings. Herb Guy tells her that he’s willing
to give her the scoop over drinks.
Wow, creepiest date request ever. Hey, how about I give you
inside info on the local serial killer while I try to get into your pants? Good
thing Wendy’s not picky.
Joanna goes to the bar. Frederick and Freya tell her about
the incident. Frederick says that he’s spent centuries fighting for his life
and that means he lashes out automatically. So, he’s a traitor with anger
management problems? Seems like a lot of baggage to pile on a character.
But we’re back at the house. There’s a storm outside, and Ingrid
announced that she’s moving out. The sleepwalking/tentacle sex has made her
realize that she needs to grow up and get her own place.
Not suspicious at all.
Freya gets a plane ticket to the Dominican Republic. Freya
and Ingrid make magical fireworks. Wendy tells Joanna that she thinks that
Frederick is behind the attacks. Joanna looks distraught.
Dash is in the Winterhaven attic looking through his MRI
results. The blackmailer calls him. He asks for more money. Dash gets angry and
breaks his computer with magic. Killian’s “ghost” comes back.
Is it me or is "ghost" Killian more interesting than real Killian at this point? I like "ghost" Killian.
End of episode.
This was a good episode. They’ve cut down on the backstory,
which is great. The Killian storyline is a bit weird, though, and I’m not sure how he
got to the Dominican Republic. The Santeria
stuff is also confusing. Santeria
doesn’t have owls and it works through spirit possession. Also, there should
have been a dead chicken in there somewhere.
So far, there’s no breakthrough character this season. I’m
getting bored with Frederick, all he seems to do is pout. Owl Girl is
promising, but she’s no Penelope. However, I have high hopes for Tentacle Guy.
all in all, a good episode. I'm looking forward to the next one.
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